White Round Dahlia on Canvas by Kelly Walker

Regular price$55.00

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White Round Dahlia on Canvas

Sculpted plaster on canvas

My “Dahlia” and "Fish Scale" sculptural works are methodically created in a rhythmic 3 part motion. Beat by beat, stroke by stroke. Three is my lucky number and the perfect melody of balance in design. Scoop, lay, smooth down, scoop, lay, smooth down- over and over in an obsessive harmony. The repetitive nature of this work puts me in a humble state. The precision of spacing and dimension is subtle but important. It reminds me of factory work, like working on a conveyor belt as a box sorter. Not unlike repetitive factory work, the same movement over and over for hours becomes part of a dance as I seek perfection and unity in the lines shown in the work.

The ingredients of plaster are soft when mixed, then become stronger as they set. Very much like my hands, and my focus in this life.

Please note each piece of artwork is unique and will have characteristics of plaster sculpture.

Original Artwork Made in Baltimore, MD USA

About the Artist:

Kelly L. Walker is an American born, self taught artist who continues to study at the ‘School of Life’. She found her way to Baltimore, Maryland by the age of 18 where she has lived ever since. Walker absorbs the beauty, chaos and reality of Baltimore City, Maryland, channeling it into her work. The dichotomy of Kelly Walker’s world translates onto her canvases as she paints in fits of inspiration which has led to an expansive collection of unique series, committing spontaneous reflections of her mood and emotions to canvas. Walker’s abstract paintings demonstrate the techniques, textures, and patterns she employs as a professional decorative painter. She pushes mediums past their intended purposes, encouraging them to collide and react, not rejecting happy accidents and forcing incompatible materials to meet. Utilizing a wide range of atypical materials, her works are intricately layered, calling reference to landscape, graffiti and color fields. Walker’s artwork has been featured extensively at venues both in and outside of the Baltimore area, including the Rosenberg Gallery, Silo Point, Gallery 1951 in Los Angeles & Las Laguna Art Gallery in California, and the Delaware Museum of Art.

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